To work to improve the quality and effectiveness of governance across Essex schools and academies..
To be a conduit for Governing Boards’ views and governance issues at local and national levels
To ensure effective governor training and development for schools and academies.
All schools and academies in Essex are eligible for membership of Essex School Governance Association (ESGA).
Membership is by yearly subscription.
Subscribing schools and academies can nominate a Trustee/Governing Board member with their contact details so, where applicable, information from ESGA can be forwarded.
There is one vote per school or academy trustee/governing board that subscribes to ESGA at any Annual General Meeting (AGM) and/or Extraordinary General Meeting (EGM).
Amendments to the Constitution require two thirds of the nominated representatives present to vote at the AGM or EGM.
Executive Committee
The Executive Committee (hereafter called the Committee) are elected at the Annual General Meeting (AGM) each year and individuals can only remain as an Executive Member whilst they are a member/associate of an Essex Trustee/Governing Board.
All officers (Chairman, Vice Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer) of the Committee are to be elected at the first Executive Committee meeting following the AGM. There is no maximum time limit on holding any officer role.
The Committee will hold regular meetings with the Cabinet Member for Education and Skills, the Director of Education.
The Committee will work closely with Essex LA to:
Promote and support high quality effective Governance in all schools and academies.
To support trustee/governing boards to navigate the strategic education landscape across Essex.
Share best practice in governance across all schools and academies in Essex.
Encourage trustee/governor Peer Reviews.
Work jointly with the Director of Education and her team to support Director’s updates/briefings.
Put in place representation on key strategic groups:
Local Children’s Partnership Board
Schools Forum including sub committees
School Partnership Board
Small Schools Strategy Group
SEND Sub Group of Schools Forum
Early Years Strategy Group
Other strategic groups as required/requested
A Bank/Building Society account in the name of ESGA will be maintained. Cheques require the signature of two officers. Any Internet transactions shall be conducted by the Treasurer. All withdrawals shall be within approved financial limits.
Reasonable expenses will be paid to members of the Executive who attend approved meetings on behalf of ESGA.
The financial year is deemed from 1st April to 31st March the following year and all accounts are required to be examined by a qualified person and presented at the AGM following the end of the financial year.
Dissolution of the Society
If the Committee decide by a majority, or is requested by 20 or more members of governing boards, to propose the dissolution of the Association, an EGM should be called giving no less than 80 days notice.
If a simple majority of those nominated representatives attending agree, the Association shall be dissolved.
Any assets remaining shall be transferred to such not for profit organisations having objectives similar to those of the Association, as the Committee shall decide.
@EssexGovsNovember 20, 2018 Small schools conference- happening today! Sponsored by ESGA. Excellent, thought provoking speakers.
@EssexGovsOctober 7, 2018 Thanks to everyone for attending our conference yesterday. You told us it was "inspiring" "excellent " "exceptionally well presented" "fabulous". Glad you enjoyed the day. Look out for details of our small schools conference on the 20th November.
@EssexGovsOctober 5, 2018 Last call! Come and join us for our annual conference tomorrow. Go to the website to book your place. Hope to see you there.
@EssexGovsOctober 1, 2018 Join us at our annual conference this Saturday at the Boswells School Chelmsford. Go to our website to book your place. We look forward to seeing you there.
@EssexGovsSeptember 24, 2018 Not long to go now! Don't forget to book your tickets for our annual conference on the 6th 0ctober.
@EssexGovsSeptember 18, 2018 Book your place now for our annual AGM and conference on the 6th 0ctober. Go to our website to book tickets!
@EssexGovsNovember 18, 2017 Working in partnership to improve education- Geoff Barton general secretary ASCL
@EssexGovsNovember 18, 2017 Listening to Julie swan executive director for general qualifications #ngaconf
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