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Posted on: 15/03/2024

Annual ESGA Conference

The aim of the annual ESGA conference is to inspire and inform governors in Essex about matters of major importance and significance to governance in Essex.

The conference is free to attend for all governors of ESGA member schools. Also included in our low annual membership of £17.50 per school is free attendance to all ESGA Coffee & Chat sessions, which run periodically throughout the year. 

The morning began with Clare Kershaw,Essex LA Director of Education, giving an overview of the LA vision to 2030 and the importance of working together. Governors are able to take part in LA briefings, the details of which can be found here. 

Jackie Sweeting from the NGA gave an overview of the support available to members of the NGA along with the latest best practice advice for all governors. 

Bobby Seagull, our keynote speaker followed on from Clare & Jackie with an inspiring and motivating seminar about how important the connection between Parents / Children / School is, particularly within the realms of “ The Year of Numbers” and avoiding the pitfalls when it comes to maths in everyday use. 

He highlighted that Maths anxiety, caused by poor phraseology when supporting learners, be it teacher or parent, can be overcome in Essex if we all take on the challenge to inspire and bring Maths into every conversation. 


Written by Nigel Rowe

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